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Support Talent By Focusing on Individual Needs

Posted December 13, 2016

Happy employees are going to be more productive and stick around longer. While great health insurance, generous personal days, and parking close to the office are wonderful bonuses, a recent Forbes article talked about how going beyond the expected benefits and focusing on the individual needs can make a big difference.

Build Relationships One-on-One

No one wants to feel like they are just another number at a company. Managers should make the effort to connect with everyone under them on a one-on-one basis. While this can be done by scheduling regular meetings with each person individually, it can also be less formal. Simply talk to each person individually. Know your employees’ names. Learn a little about them on a personal level. If they see you as someone they can approach, they are more likely to come to you if they see a problem. As you come to know them individually, you might even be able to sense a problem before they approach you.

Encourage Healthy Habits

In a world where we are often rushing from one activity to another, people often eat what is most convenient. Unfortunately, junk food is often what is easiest and fastest to consume. Healthy eating, though, boosts energy and just makes people feel better overall. When possible, provide at least some healthy options, such as nuts or fresh fruit, in your break room.

It is also important to encourage your employees to be active. In many cases, people are sitting at their desks most of the day. Providing workout areas where employees can go before work, after work, or during breaks is one option. You could also provide treadmill desks or other opportunities for employees to get exercise while also getting work done. You could even form office walking groups, where groups of employees get together and walk while also socializing. These groups can meet during breaks, or during non-work hours. You could even form a company softball team or other sports team, which will allow your employees to get exercise while building work relationships.     

There are many other little benefits you can offer your employees, including flexible work schedules or non-work related social opportunities. The exact extras your employees will appreciate most will depend upon the specific company and the people who work there. Simply asking them what little extras would be the most beneficial might help the most. 

 For other ideas on how you can support talent at your company, contact us.

Categories: Hire Quality Talent

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