Nextaff Client Blog

Reboarding: Preparing for Employees Being Back in the Office Full-Time

Posted November 19, 2020

In early 2020, many companies had to quickly reorganize to allow employees to work from home. Now, some companies are looking into the prospects of inviting their team back into the office. So what will this process of reboarding look like? If you’re considering returning to the workplace, here are some things you can do to prepare ahead of time and keep your staff safe.

Focus on Communication

During this pandemic, the most important aspect is continual communication. This is true during any crisis and important at work and home. If you discuss options for reopening your office and have employees on-site, every step needs to be communicated clearly. With modern technology, this can be handled easily through office emails, text messages, and video or phone conferences.

Ask Employees Feeling Sick to Stay Home

Whether your employees have been diagnosed with COVID-19, the flu, or any other illness, encourage them to stay at home if they do not feel well. Our workplaces have created a culture where employees feel like they need to tough it out, but this can be devastating in our current situation. Update your sick leave policy so employees don’t feel like they will face repercussions if they’re unable to work due to illness.

Enforce Social Distancing and Facemasks

If employees are coming into the office, be consistent with the enforcement of physical distancing and the use of facemasks. If an employee doesn’t have PPE, you can provide surgical or KN95 masks when they’re in the office. Readjust workspaces so employees are at least 6 feet apart and discourage gathering in open spaces.

Offer Remote Work When Possible

If the work is not dependent on someone being in the office, continue to allow work from home options. While many businesses were forced to implement remote work protocol earlier this year, now is a good time to formalize these processes to make the experience easier to manage. If completely remote work is impossible, consider staggering shifts or offering flex schedules to have fewer people in the office at the same time.

Clean and Disinfect Surfaces Regularly

The CDC also recommends cleaning frequently touched surfaces regularly. Using bleach-based or other disinfecting cleaners will keep the office area safer. Some companies have assigned this task to a single person who wipes down doorknobs and other commonly used items. You can also give disinfecting wipes to each employee so they can clean as they go.

Do you need more assistance as you return to the office? Contact Nextaff now.

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Categories: 2020 Management Advice, Reboarding Employees, Returning To Work 2020

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