Nextaff Client Blog

Creating Diversity and Inclusivity through Hiring

Posted September 10, 2019

Diversity and inclusion has been a hot topic in the tech space for quite a few years now, and for good reason. Not only does it help drive economic growth, capture the consumer market on all fronts, and recruit a more qualified workforce, but it also reduces employee turnover and fosters innovation. Overall, diversity is one of the key industry trends this year and will continue to be for years to come internally. 

Creating a Diversity Recruitment Initiative

Your company can create a more diverse workforce through hiring, retention, and development strategies. This hiring initiative serves to ensure that your organization invests in leaders, managers, and allies to create an environment of inclusion and belonging for all employees. 

It is important to hire diverse talent across the board, from your executives down to individual contributors. You can do so through a combination of events including executive dinners, think tanks, recruiting in networking events for working professionals or undergraduates, strategic external partnerships with nonprofit organizations, and apprenticeships.

Benefits of a Diverse Workforce

Businesses are recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Decades of scientific research shows socially diverse groups perform better than homogeneous groups. For instance, a study conducted by business professors from Columbia University shows female representation in top management roles lead to an increase of $42 million in firm value. 

Companies capable of innovating have more diverse and inclusive teams then the companies that don't. They're also investing heavily in leadership diversity and inclusion training for leaders and employees. Inclusion and diversity enhance creativity and encourage the search for novel information, which leads to better decision making and problem solving.  Companies have made great strides in making women involved in decision making. However, studies show that women are still underrepresented at every level. In corporate America, for example, men have a greater chance of being hired than women.

Innovative companies are focused on all facets of inclusion, from gender and ethnic diversity to leadership and cultural inclusion in the workplace. Contact us today to get started on your hiring journey.

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NEXTAFF helps companies Hire Quality Employees.  By offering a complete range of temporary staffing agency services, we help your company – no matter where you are in your business evolution – raise productivity through hiring better quality employees. We are able to service all your staffing agency needs with local staffing offices in Sacramento-CA, Sonoma County-CA, Des Moines-IA, Raleigh-NC, Overland Park-KS, Topeka-KS, Detroit-MI, Kansas City-MO, Gulf Coast-MS, Phoenix-AZ, Miami-FL, Harrisburg-PA, and Jackson-TN. 

Categories: Hire Quality Talent, Hire Quality Employees, Temporary Staffing Agency, Local Staffing Office, Staffing Agency, quality employees, relationships, Retention, Diversity

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