Nextaff Client Blog

Can Technology Help Me Hire The Perfect Candidate?

Posted January 20, 2017

The challenges of hiring the perfect person for the job have never been greater.  In a fluctuating labor market, where the correct mix of skills and talent may be rare or difficult to attract, the importance of recognizing a candidate who will thrive in the specific culture of an organization is essential.  But what is the best way to identify that candidate? Far too often someone creates a terrific first impression during the interview process, only to prove a disappointing performer once they're on the job.

The traditional hiring process is a series of educated guesses by hiring managers and HR personnel to discern who will be a good fit for an open position.  Research tells us that every one of those guesses, from recruiting venues to application design to resume selection to interviewing is subject to unconscious biases, leading to decisions that unknowingly exclude/include candidates based on internal and irrelevant criteria.  How many excellent candidates never get a chance because of these biases? How many mediocre candidates are welcomed as excellent because of their resemblance to the interviewer instead of their qualifications?

Advances in technology and analysis now allow us to collect large quantities of data about applicants, job functions and performance and create algorithms allowing us to predict which candidates are most likely to perform well in given roles and organizations.  These algorithms have now become so sophisticated that some research indicates they are better predictors of success than their fully humanized predecessors.  Incorporating these algorithms into hiring procedures can offset the effects of unconscious bias and increase the likelihood that the most suitable candidates are the ones brought in to interview. 

The idea of adding technical elements to the HR functionality of an organization may be intimidating at first, but there are excellent resources available. If you want to build your own solutions in-house, the Harvard Business Review offers these guidelines for designing a viable system. 

If your organization will be better served by a third-party solution, there is a fast-growing sector of firms who can provide you with powerful, fully-packaged, customizable alternatives.  For a broader, deeper understanding of these tools and how they can help your hiring to reach its maximum potential, download this free whitepaper: Perfecting The Perfect Hire. We can work directly with you to adapt its concepts and strategies to the specific requirements of your organization and its hiring and retention needs.

Categories: Hire Quality Talent

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