Nextaff Client Blog

Attracting, Hiring, and Retaining Quality Talent

Posted March 13, 2019

Consider this familiar problem: you sift through hundreds of resumes and spend hours interviewing candidates for a highly specific role. John stands out as the most promising candidate and gets hired. Hours of research, days of paperwork, weeks of training and not to mention many dollars spent later, John abruptly resigns, and you're back where you started with a stack of CVs contemplating his replacement.

In today's high turnover job market, such stories might seem unavoidable. There are numerous reasons why a talented candidate who seemed perfectly matched for a role would leave his or her position only months after starting the job. Perhaps it was a deep cultural misfit, maybe the candidate received inadequate coaching during the training process, or he or she had inaccurate expectations of job advancement. No matter what the cause, traditional means of hiring has reached its limitation due to lack of precision.

At Nextaff, we've developed a proprietary recruiting method called XFACTOR that delivers results up to 5x greater than the traditional staffing process. XFACTOR was scientifically designed to minimize cost and maximize the efficacy of hiring, ensuring that companies engage, hire, and retain quality talents for the long haul. The scientific process behind the perfect hire from XFACTOR includes, but is not limited to:

  • Maximizing the talent pool by accessing both active and passive candidates. This means we're not only reaching out to candidates who have submitted a resume through job boards,  we're also utilizing recruiting methods that put our job information in front of candidates who may not be actively seeking, but who are open to the possibliity of a new career/job. These candidates typically have more longevity with their employers, more expertise in their fields, with the right blend of soft skills for their professions. We utilize social media as one of our avenues to achieve this reach. 
  • Ensuring the quality of candidates with a Pre-Hire, EEOC-compliant integrity assessment(s)
  • Minimizing cost by using additional screening tools to narrow candidates
  • Using a structured interview on final candidates based on XFACTOR, instead of the traditional unstructured interview set up

Researching possible applicants, engaging the talent pool, and interviewing prospective candidates is just as important as retaining quality talent for the long haul for companies, XFACTOR is designed for all of the above. For more information, download our free whitepaper on Perfecting the Perfect Hire below, and contact us with your questions.

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NEXTAFF helps companies Hire Quality Employees.  By offering a complete range of temporary staffing agency services, we help your company – no matter where you are in your business evolution – raise productivity through hiring better quality employees. We are able to service all your staffing agency needs with local staffing offices in Sacramento-CA, Sonoma County-CA, Des Moines-IA, Raleigh-NC, Overland Park-KS, Topeka-KS, Detroit-MI, Kansas City-MO, Gulf Coast-MS, Phoenix-AZ, Miami-FL, Harrisburg-PA, and Jackson-TN. 

Categories: Hire Quality Talent, Hire Quality Employees, Temporary Staffing Agency, Local Staffing Office, Staffing Agency, quality employees, quality talent

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