Nextaff Client Blog

3 Questions to Ask if You Want to Hire Quality Talent

Posted April 18, 2019

Before you start interviewing job candidates,  interview yourself. It is necessary to do this so that you can decide who your perfect candidate will be. We all know people who go through administrative assistant after administrative assistant, none of them lasting more than a couple of months. The Devil Wears Prada is a great example illustrating the fact that people often don't know what they are looking for in employees (or maybe they're looking for too much). Don't let this happen to you. Make sure you ask yourself the following questions to determine the type of employee you are looking to hire:

  • Who Have You Been Happy With?

Was there a certain employee whom you loved working with in the past? Someone you worked with for a number of years with a minimum of fuss? What type of qualities did that person have? Were they friendly? Intelligent? Easygoing? Did they perform all the work on time?  Were they creative and innovative? Figuring out who you have been happy with in the past will help you know who you want to work with in the future.


  • Who Have You Not Been Happy With?

Knowing what you don't want is just as important as knowing what you do want. There are certain people whom you just can't abide. Why is that? Did they seem lazy? Did they never show up to work on time? Were they not presentable? It would help to really do some digging to come up with these answers. Try to figure out which qualities in a candidate were more annoying to you than others. These may not always be obvious, but they are necessary to know. This will help you determine exactly what you are looking for.  


  • What's More Important to You—Cognitive Skills, Personality or Integrity?

If you're using a scientific hiring method, these are the three attributes that candidates will be tested for before they come in for an interview with you. So, it would help to think about which of these is most important to you. However, it would be best to find a candidate who embodies all three. At the same time, these candidates will be given structured interviews and their references confirmed to make sure that they come across in the same way in person as they do on paper.

Contact us to see how we can help you find a candidate who will live up to your expectations everyday. 

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NEXTAFF helps companies Hire Quality Employees.  By offering a complete range of temporary staffing agency services, we help your company – no matter where you are in your business evolution – raise productivity through hiring better quality employees. We are able to service all your staffing agency needs with local staffing offices in Sacramento-CA, Sonoma County-CA, Des Moines-IA, Raleigh-NC, Overland Park-KS, Topeka-KS, Detroit-MI, Kansas City-MO, Gulf Coast-MS, Phoenix-AZ, Miami-FL, Harrisburg-PA, and Jackson-TN. 

Categories: Hire Quality Talent, Hire Quality Employees, Temporary Staffing Agency, Local Staffing Office, Staffing Agency, quality employees, Team, quality talent, career, relationships, job

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