Nextaff Client Blog

Hire Quality Talent Without Letting Your Personal Bias Get in the Way

Posted May 01, 2019

Many employers approach hiring people in the same way that they approach other business tasks—with effectiveness and productivity in mind. However, the fact is that human beings are very complex, and it's difficult to take all the variables into consideration. One candidate might seem very attractive on the basis of their personality while another might have much stronger cognitive skills. How do you make sure that your personal bias doesn't enter into the equation when hiring someone?

Be Thorough

It's not enough to read just resumes, interview people and hire the candidate you like the most. It's necessary to know more about the people you are thinking about hiring. At the very least, you need to check their credentials. It also helps to have them take standardized tests which will tell you about their cognitive skills, personality and integrity levels. It is also good to conduct a thorough interview with standardized questions.

Think About What's Most Important

When you come up with a job description, it also helps for you to think about what's most important to you. Is this a job that requires strong cognitive skills, such as an IT or scientific research position? Or is this a job that requires a great personality, such as a sales position? Maybe it's a job that requires creativity, such as a marketing position. No matter what the position entails, you need to keep your requirements securely in mind throughout the process of hiring so that you don't get distracted by the candidate's other qualities.

Consult the Experts

Working with a headhunter can be beneficial.  They typically have a lot of experience in the field and they know what to look for in a candidate. They also understand that different things are important for different positions. And it's important to match the right candidate with the right company to make sure that he or she will fit in with that company's culture. Working with a headhunter can take a lot of pressure off of you, as an entrepreneur, and free up your time to focus on other important things.

Contact us for more great tips to hire quality talent without letting your personal bias get in the way.

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NEXTAFF helps companies Hire Quality Employees.  By offering a complete range of temporary staffing agency services, we help your company – no matter where you are in your business evolution – raise productivity through hiring better quality employees. We are able to service all your staffing agency needs with local staffing offices in Sacramento-CA, Sonoma County-CA, Des Moines-IA, Raleigh-NC, Overland Park-KS, Topeka-KS, Detroit-MI, Kansas City-MO, Gulf Coast-MS, Phoenix-AZ, Miami-FL, Harrisburg-PA, and Jackson-TN. 

Categories: Hire Quality Talent, Hire Quality Employees, Temporary Staffing Agency, Local Staffing Office, Staffing Agency, quality employees, quality talent

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